Smart IoT Research Team
Research Background


Research Direction


Research Results

Research Team

Head of the team


Team member
赵思翔 ,侯立文, 陈峰,张钦红

庄晓天:京东物流有限公司 高级总监

林鸿钟:江苏大学京东物流有限公司 高级总监

系 别:中美物流研究院


职 称:副教授

zhangdl at sjtu.edu.cn


<p>09/2006&mdash;03/2010&nbsp;南安普顿大学(英国)数学学院 运筹学专业&nbsp;PhD<br />09/2003&mdash;07/2006&nbsp;中国科学技术大学 自动化系 控制理论与工程 硕士<br />09/1999&mdash;07/2003&nbsp;中国科学技术大学 自动化系 自动控制 学士</p>


1. 数据驱动的可移动式库位管理和拣选路径联合优化方法研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,负责人,2021—.
2. 人机协同决策的新型模式和管理场景, 国家自然科学基金重大项目(课题三:机器行为与人机协同决策理论与方法研究), 第一参与人,2022—.
3. 智能工厂生产与运营的管理理论方法, 国家自然科学基金重点项目, 参与人,2020—.
4. 基于价值链重构的互联网环境下制造业企业转型升级研究, 国家自然科学基金重点项目, 参与人,2017—2021.
5. 可持续供应链协同管理与创新, 国家自然科学基金重点项目, 参与人,2017—2021.
6. 条件在险值约束下的现场可更换单元库存模型与优化研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目,负责人,2016—2019.
7. 上海交通大学-悉尼大学种子基金项目, 负责人,2016—2019.
8. 大数据环境下具有作业延迟的城市配送网络优化方法研究与设计, 上海市浦江人才项目, 负责人,2015—2018.
9. 集成式数据采集支持下具有作业延迟的城市配送网络建模与优化, 上海交通大学文理交叉项目, 负责人,2014—2017.

1. X-射线测量设备三维重构算法研究,俐玛精密测量技术(苏州)有限公司, 2022.
1. 上海发网物流智能算法联合研究中心合作项目,上海发网供应链, 2019.
2. 基于大数据视角对汽车产品的热度评价指标体系的应用研究,上海汽车工业教育基金会制, 2018.
3. 宝钢人工智能与大数据应用实战培训项目,东方钢铁,2018.
4. 中工美白银库存智能化解决方案总体设计,中工美(北京)供应链和物流,2018.
5. 泰力格格力标签打印系统标签配送AGV与打印线APS系统开发,深圳泰力格,2018.
6. 基于双边授信的银行间外汇市场撮合交易模型研究,中汇科技(合作负责人:侯立文、张大力),2018.
7. 民机试飞产业体系方案设计服务, 上海市经信委,2017.
8. 面向民机制造产业链配套企业适航符合性研究与咨询平台建设方案制定服务, 上海市经信委,2017.
9. 广州唯品会研究院有限公司与上海交通大学合作框架协议, 广州唯品会研究院有限公司,2017.
10. 唯品会快递物流无人车系统开发, 广州唯品会研究院有限公司,2017—2018.
11. 唯品会供应商物流公共信息平台技术框架及算法研究, 广州唯品会研究院有限公司,2016—2017.
12. 唯品会干线运输调研和路线优化的框架性方案分析, 广州唯品会研究院有限公司,2015.
13. 汽车维修零部件追溯系统方案研究, 风神物流有限公司,2015.
14. 汽车零部件集装箱多式联运方案研究, 风神物流有限公司,2014.


1. Oh-Hong Choon, Dali Zhang, PT Beng, CPY Magdalene, Uncovering effective process improvement strategies in an emergency department using discrete event simulation, Operational Research for Emergency Planning in Healthcare: Volume 1, Part II, pp 139-163, 2016.
2. Govindarajan, U. H., Zhang, D., & Anshita. (2021). Extended Reality for Patient Recovery and Wellness. 77-93, Extended Reality for Healthcare Systems: Recent Advances in Contemporary Research, Academic Press, 2023 [Print ISBN: 9780323983815].

1. Jian Hu, Dali Zhang, Huifu Xu, Sainan Zhang, Distributionally preference robust optimization in multi-attribute decision making, under review 2023.
2. Dali Zhang, Lingyun Ji, Sixiang Zhao, Lizhi Wang, Variable-sample method for the computation of stochastic Nash equilibrium, IISE Transactions, online access 2023.
3. Hailin Sun, Dali Zhang#, Yannan Chen, Differential convex approximation for optimization with distribution uncertainty in chance constraints, major revision in European Journal of Operational Research 2023.
4. Hailin Sun, Dali Zhang#, Soon-Yi Wu, Liang Chen, A modified exchange algorithm for distributional robust optimization and applications in risk management, International Transactions in Operational Research, 29, 130–157, 2022.
5. Shuang Hao, Dali Zhang#, Ming Dong, Iteratively sampling scheme for stochastic optimization with variable sample path, Operations Research Letters 50(3), 347-355, 2022.
6. Gui-Hua Lin, Mei-Ju Luo, Dali Zhang, Jin Zhang, Stochastic second-order-cone complementarity problems: expected residual minimization formulation and its applications, Mathematical Programming, 165 (1), 197-233, 2017.
7. Lei Guo, Gui-Hua Lin, Dali Zhang#, Daoli Zhu, An MPEC reformulation of an EPEC model for electricity markets, Operations Research Letters 43 (3), 262-267, 2015.
8. Dali Zhang#, Gui-Hua Lin, Bilevel direct search method for leader–follower problems and application in health insurance, Computers & Operations Research 41, 359-373, 2014.
9. Gui-Hua Lin, Dali Zhang#, Yanchao Liang, Stochastic multiobjective problems with complementarity constraints and applications in healthcare management, European Journal of Operational Research 226 (3), 461-470, 2013.
10. Dali Zhang#, Huifu Xu, Two-stage stochastic equilibrium problems with equilibrium constraints: modeling and numerical schemes, Optimization 62 (12), 1627-1650, 2013.
11. Huifu Xu, Dali Zhang#, Stochastic Nash equilibrium problems: sample average approximation and applications, Computational Optimization and Applications 55 (3), 597-645, 2012.
12. Dali Zhang#, Sujin Kim, A two-stage linear supply function equilibrium model for electricity markets with forward contracts, Pacific Journal of Optimization 7 (2), 297-315, 2011.
13.Dali Zhang#, Huifu Xu, Yue Wu, A two stage stochastic equilibrium model for electricity markets with two way contracts, Mathematical Methods of Operations Research71 (1), 1-45, 2010.
14. Huifu Xu, Dali Zhang, Smooth sample average approximation of stationary points in nonsmooth stochastic optimization and applications, Mathematical Programming, 119 (2), 371-401, 2009.

1. Eddie Anderson, Huifu Xu, Dali Zhang#, Varying confidence levels for CVaR risk measures and minimax limits, Mathematical Programming, 180, 327–370, 2020.
2. Zhaolin Hu, Dali Zhang#, Utility‐based shortfall risk: Efficient computations via Monte Carlo, Naval Research Logistics, 65 (5), 378-392, 2018.
3.Huifu Xu, Dali Zhang, Monte Carlo methods for mean-risk optimization and portfolio selection, Computational Management Science 9 (1), 3-29, 2012.
4. 黄雅丹, 陆晓骏, 张大力, 具有模型一致性的自适应Lasso预测模型研究, 工业工程与管理, 2022, 27(152): 102-112.

1. Sixiang Zhao, Jinye Wang, Weihong Liu, Fei Wen, Dali Zhang#, Distribution network design problem considering warehouse types: framework, model, and algorithm, submitted, 2023.
2.Meyer, B., Bumblauskas, D., Keegan, R., Dali Zhang, When bad things happen to good processes: measuring the impact of process degradation, accepted by International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management 2023.
3. 宋爽, 赵思翔, 张大力, 考虑并行分区的智能接力拣选系统储位分配问题研究, 工业工程与管理, 2022,27(156): 1-10.
4. 徐海涛,孙琦,张大力, 基于可信性理论的智能仓在线订单拣选模糊分配方法, 工业工程与管理, 2022,27(154):165-175.
5. Dali Zhang, Dong Li, Hailin Sun, Liwen Hou, A vehicle routing problem with distribution uncertainty in deadlines, European Journal of Operational Research 292, 311-326, 2021.
6. Pourya Pourhejazy, Dali Zhang, Qinghua Zhu , Fangfang Wei, Shuang Song, Integrated E-waste transportation using capacitated general routing problem with time-window, Transportation Research Part E 145, 102169, 2021.
7. Dayong Yu, Dong Li, Mei Sha, Dali Zhang, Carbon-efficient deployment of electric rubber-tyred gantry cranes in container terminals with workload uncertainty, European Journal of Operational Research, 275, 552–569, 2019.
8. Liwen Hou, Dong Li, Dali Zhang#, Ride-matching and routing optimisation: models and a large neighbourhood search heuristic, Transportation Research Part E, 118, 143-162, 2018.
9. Qinhong Zhang, Dali Zhang, Anders Segerstedt, Jianwen Luo, Optimal ordering and pricing decisions for a company issuing product-specific gift cards, Omega 74, 92-102, 2018.
10. Yifei Zhao, Dali Zhang#, Tatsuo Yanagita, Container liner freight index based on data from e-booking platforms, Maritime Policy & Management 45, 739-755, 2018.
11. Joon-Ho Na, A-Young Choi, Jianhua Ji, Dali Zhang#, Environmental efficiency analysis of Chinese container ports with CO2 emissions: An inseparable input-output SBM model, Journal of Transport Geography 65, 13-24, 2017.
12. Qinhong Zhang, Dali Zhang, Yu-Chung Tsao, Jianwen Luo, Optimal ordering policy in a two-stage supply chain with advance payment for stable supply capacity, International Journal of Production Economics 177, 34-43, 2016
13. Cong Pan, Dali Zhang, AWM Kon, Charity Wai, Woo-Boon Ang, Patient flow improvement for an ophthalmic specialist outpatient clinic with aid of discrete event simulation and design of experiment, Health Care Management Science 18 (2), 137-155, 2015.
14. Oh-Hong Choon, Dali Zhang, PT Beng, CPY Magdalene, Uncovering effective process improvement strategies in an emergency department using discrete event simulation, Health Systems 3, 93-104, 2014.
15. Albert Tan, Yifei Zhao, Dali Zhang, Olli-Pekka Hilmola, State of third party logistics providers in China, Industrial Management & Data Systems 114, 1322-1343, 2014.
16. Yue Wu, Jiabin Luo, Dali Zhang#, Ming Dong, An integrated programming model for storage management and vehicle scheduling at container terminals, Research in Transportation Economics 42 (1), 13-27, 2013.
17. Dali Zhang#, Huifu Xu, Yue Wu, Single and multi-period optimal inventory control models with risk-averse constraints, European Journal of Operational Research 199 (2), 420-434, 2009.

1. Dongfang Li,Rob Law, Dali Zhang, Guangyu Zhu, Edmond Q. Wu, Aiguo Song, Limin Zhu, Tracking control of snake robots with butterfly spiral propulsion for multi-scenario applications, submitted, 2023.
2. Dongfang Li, Linlin Zeng, Yang Xiu, Zhenhua Pan, Dali Zhang#, Hongbin Deng, Sideslip elimination and coefficient approximation-based trajectory tracking control for snake robots, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, online access 2023.
3. Fuliang Wu, Bektas Tolga, Ming Dong, Hongbo Ye, Dali Zhang, 
Optimal driving for vehicle fuel economy under traffic speed uncertainty, Transportation Research Part B 154, 175-206, 2021.
4. 王涵霄,董明,张大力, 考虑维修的共享单车调度优化研究, 工业工程与管理, 2019,24(02):31-37.
5.Yu Kang, Hongsheng Xi, Dali Zhang, Haibo Ji, A robust adaptive control design for a class of uncertain nonlinear Markovian jump systems, Asian Journal of Control 9 (1), 73-79, 2006.

1. Hareesh Pillai, Dali Zhang, Yongmei Shi, Gagan Narang, A unified schema for multi-point chronic diet management and augmented reality supported processed food proportion estimation methodology, The 25th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design , 2022.
2. Dali Zhang, Convergence analysis on variable sample distributed methods for stochastic Nash equilibrium,Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), 2016 Chinese, 1120-1125.
3. Pu Qiao, Dali Zhang, Xiao Liu, Optimal inventory policies with product reliability information,Control and Decision Conference (CCDC), 2015 Chinese, 1057-1062.
4. Sujin Kim, Dali Zhang, Convergence properties of direct search methods for stochastic optimization,Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 1003-1011, 2010.
5. Xing Wu, Yuxi Ge, Qingfeng Zhang and Dali Zhang. PCB defect detection using deep learning methods, The 24th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design , 2021.
6. Dali Zhang, Sixiang Zhao, Shuang Song, Zhenhui Jiang, Yongmin Xiao. Storage assignment problem for an intelligent pick-and-pass system: algorithms and applications, The Thirteenth International Conference of the Chinese Scholars Association for Management Science and Engineering (CSAMSE) , Practice Award, First Place, 2021.

1. Finalist, Junior Faculty Forum Paper Competition, INFORMS Annual Meeting, Phoenix, USA (2012).
2. 上海市浦江人才 (2014).
3. 上海交通大学优秀班主任(2014).
4. 上海青年科技预见十佳作品 团队成员(2017).
5. 上海交通大学“晨星-优秀青年学者奖励计划”(2018).
6. 华人学者管理科学与工程协会 (CSAMSE) 管理实践奖 一等奖 (2021).

MA26073:Matrix Theory 全英文课程、共48学时
MG26018: 仿真建模与优化
MG26006: 决策优化